VVOB is the Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance, a non-profit organization contributing to the improvement of quality of the education in developing countries. This way VVOB makes a major contribution to local capacity development, a means to stimulate sustainable development and poverty reduction.
VVOB is active in the medical sector in Kenya through the Kenya Medical Training Center (KMTC) Skillslab project. VVOB Kenya participates in the School Links program, which links schools of Kenya (among other countries) with schools in Flanders (a region in Belgium).
In its sub-program of ICT integration in Education initiatives joint efforts with CFSK in a project of equipping all KMTC’s across Kenya with 20 computers each as well as teacher training on integrating e-learning with regular curricular. KMTC collaborated with Computers for Schools Kenya (CFSK) to develop the E-learning platform and provide training on the same.